best exclusive opencart 3.X

our core features
Powerful features and inclusions, which makes Molla standout, easily customizable and scalable.-
Pre-Build Homepage You are free to change the new appearance of your store with our 2+ artistic and gorgeous homepage.
Megamenu Our built-in mega menu is the perfect choice for large menus. You can set up columns and rows.
Ajax Cart You can select a product to buy without leaving current page, instantly add product basket. Increase.
RTL Language Support You can select a product to buy without leaving current page, instantly add product basket. Increase.
Fully Responsive Integrating responsive function that gives your online store a beautiful interface on any high-resolution.
Product Quick View Your product detail will open with full necessary information like: image product, product price, description.
Use Google Fonts Watch was built with new web technology: Bootstrap 4, Font Awesome 4, LESS, CSS3, HTML5 that makes the.
HTML5 And CSS3 Your product detail will open with full necessary information like: image product, product price, description.
24+ Modules Make To Your High Selling
- Advance search
- Offer banner
- Verticle menu
- Custom css and js
- Review on products
- Newsletter
- Add to cart
- Ajax quick search
- Add to Whishlist
- Product compare
- Left banner
- Blog module
- Brand list
- Blog post setting
- product with slider
- Tab category
- Main slider
- Service slider module
- Category cms with slider
- Sub banner module
- Banner cms module
- Footer cms
- Payment icon
- Client testimonial
- much more...
Creative Designs
High Performance
Best SEO Optimization
Regular Updates